Hello and welcome! My blog is all about postings of the latest and in-demand gadgets coming out in the market today. It is also a compilation of inspirational and health related stories received from email forwards. Posted them in my blog instead of forwarding them to the emails. It may also include topics regarding places of interest, food stuffs or even sharing my collections of funny jokes. My blog also is open to contributors. Please let me know and anyone is free to join anytime.
I was born into a big family but as we have grown, we each have lived separate lives far from each other. Family members are located all over the Philippines and in other parts of the world.
I have a brother in Cavite, a sister in Baguio, in Esperanza, in Cainta, and a sister in another place that I do not know. I miss you all and wish you a Happy New Year!
The picture on the right are my eldest brother, Rey, who visits me here in Cebu from time to time, and first eldest sister, Isabel, whom I have not seen for a while. This picture was taken when they were still teenagers in the 60's I believe.I got this picture three years ago from the collection of my second eldest sister, Melda, whom I have not seen for a while also. I wish them all happiness and health in the coming years and hope to see them soon.
To Kuya Nes, my brother in-law in Riyadh, Happy New Year! Thanks for inviting me to your blog.